Monday 14 September 2015

Maybe I'll be back soon ;)

Hi readers!

Unfortunately since March I didn't publish articles on the blog. I have a lot of drafts almost ready to be published, but in the past months I had a lot of new challanges and I had to work hard to achieve all my objectives.

Just to update you a bit, since July I work in a new company, a small company, and my days are full of very interesting activities (Citrix Xen Virtualization for server and desktop, network security, forensic analysis,...).

I think in the next days I'll publish some new articles.

I'm working very hard on CryptoLocker since weeks, I really like this kind of activites, and that virus is seriously taking 90% of my free time.

Just for information, during next weeks I'll be in Como to continue my work with Setificio, and I'll have a public presentation about forensic investigation. I'll publish the date soon.

I'm trying to arrange also the streaming of the event for someone who cannot attend.

